Who we are

Sara McFarland
Soul Initation and Wild Mind Guide and Mentor, Ritual Performance Artist
I guide folx who are on the unique path of their own beauty and power, through the inner wilderness, in the outer wilderness on the Labyrinth Path of Initiation. As a Wilderness Guide, I support you to become more Whole through practices of integration and Self-Healing. The opportunity I offer, is grounded in building resources, healing the past and the future in the present, welcoming home exiled parts of ourselves, courting a living relationship with the natural world, remembering our own wildness and cultivating authenticity and emotional aliveness. Through dreamwork, accessing intuitive creativity and visionary practices, deep imagery journeys to meet inner guides and other wild ones from the dreaming of the earth, community building, spiritual practices, ritual and ceremony rooted in the natural world, grieving and praising this life and those lost, tracking the signs of your deepest longing, I support you in saying yes to the journey of becoming a true adult.
I call forth aspects of my training in ritual, eco-therapy, the Way of Council, wilderness immersion and ceremonial fasts, Zen meditation, singing and voice, movement, storytelling as the weaving of a web that holds you in a cocoon of healing and Mystery-intiated Self transformation.
Trainings and diplomas include: Animas Valley Institute Soul Initiation Guide and WIld Mind Guide training, certification as a Naturopath in Germany, Naturopathic training at the Heilpraktikerschule Dr. Klaus Jung, The Way of Council with Gigi Coyle, novice Zen Priest at Upaya Zen Center, Ortho-Bionomy with Ursula Hofer, Massage and Bodywork Trianing at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, MFA in Interdisciplinary Art from Goddard College, BFA in Acting from New York University.
More about Sara (or to book a mentoring session with her) on their website: www.saramcfarland.com

Katja Wehe
Artist, Dance Therapist, Movement Medicine teacher
Katja lived for 7 years in a garden in the part of Germany known as the Rhön, in deep communication with the plants. There, she learned how the Earth speaks to humans through their hands and feet and heart, how Nature is deeply connected with our human souls and how much we need her. The call to community with people called her back from the wild places into the cities. There, she learned to be a bridge for those who long to leave the city and return to their deepest selves through contact with Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Katja brings her particular and deeply soulful way of perception into her paintings, her co-creation with the Earth in the form of gardens and in how she guides seminars. Her way of guiding is rooted in her trust in the original creativity of Life. The energy that arises through playful spontaneous creativity, allows every one to return to the connection with their deepest and wildest imagination and experience how magical and beautiful every one of us is. When Katja is in contact with Earth through her hands and feet, she is connected to her Muse and can access the soul power of her visionary way of seeing and being. This she brings as a gift into every moment with her.
More about Katja and to buy her cards and hand-sewn clothes at her website: www.wildewerke.com