Seminars and Programs

Dance your Dreams
With Sara McFarland and Katja Wehe
December 13-15, 2024
Spirit Hollow, VT USA
Join us to dance your dreams- the night dreams and the visions. Together, we will make preparations to cross the threshold, entering the dreaming time from Winter Solstice to Imbolc: we will gather the year’s harvest into your basket ~ dreams, memories, successes and authentic failures. We will let go of and compost that which we have outgrown from the past year, so that which came before may nourish the seeds of the new life, the new year to be sprouted when the light returns at the beginning of February. And we will plant the seeds in the fertile dark as we let our dreams dance us and reveal their messages, their magic and their medicine.
The rhythm of our days
Friday evening we will gather in a larger community dance to embody our dreams and visions from the year past, gathering threads of experience. Saturday, we will deepen in to dream work and dance, spend time out on the land alone and in the yurt in community time. Sunday we will gather up the bundle and carry the seeds of the new year into the winter dreaming through dream work, dance and council practice.
Spirit Hollow in Shaftsbury, Vermont.
Tucked in the Taconic Mountains of Southwestern Vermont, Spirit Hollow is situated on 100 forested acres and surrounded by thousands of acres of National Forest Land. The Center was established in 2000 on the slopes of Grass Mountain.
Friday 7pm – 9pm open for everyone
Friday 7pm, Saturday 9am – 9pm and Sunday 9am – 1pm for workshop participants
Our practices include:
– Dance and movement journeys to awaken the dancer in yourself
– Reconnection to your body, emotions and embodied spirit
– Exploring Movement Medicine Mesa Practice of relational intimacy with Self, others and the world
– Activating your Yin, your Yang and your Yun Qualities within your dance
– Deepening into your dreams as guides
– Embodying dream figures to cultivate resources and heal
– Exploring dream through the lenses of voice, movement and sacred conversation with the wild Others
– Deep imagery journeys
– Wanders on the land to enact the dream
What you will receive:
– Emotional and physical cultivation of your resources
– A deeper connection with soul and spirit
– A coherent felt-sense of your year and the seeds you are carrying into the dark of winter
– Practices for how to remember and work with your dreams
– Embodied practices for visioning and manifesting your intention
– Practices for awakening the Inner Dancer, your embodied visionary
More information about Spirit Hollow and to register: